Saturday, October 18, 2014

Back to Back w/ MUA Donabel De Torres Palmes-Virtucio

Model: Jhoanna Rose Matias Borja
MUA : Donabel De Torres Palmes-Virtucio
Hair Stylist : Armando Abinsay

Producer/Back-Up Photographer : Vie Solsona
Photographer/Mentor : ITSURA Photog Alexander Lohongko

Donabel De Torres Palmes-Virtucio, Beauty Consultant and Sales Director of Mary Kay Beauty Center has been an avid supporter of the ITSURA's advocacy projects.  We have been requested by a Lady Photog, Vie Solsona, if we could undertake a project to couch her to learn Basic Photography. So, with our nice friends around, she have not only learned Basic Photography but also Basic Make-Up with the help of Donabel and a friend, who prepared the hair style of her model.  With the help of seasoned Emo Photog Alexander Lohongko, a tight shooter who loves capturing emotions, she was couched in Emo-Photography Style of Sir Alexander including basic camera settings, color calibration and pre-sets.  It was a memorable experience exposing newbies into high fashion photography.

Couching newbie photographers, especially ladies, into high fashion photography have not been successful without the help of these well meaning people, who supports us in our advocacy.  Lots of preparation is needed from make-over, hair style, clothing, not to mention the photography aspect.  Thank you for this wonderful project.  ITSURA

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